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Africa’s Highest Obstacle race – The Air Up There

So this started as an experiment on wether we could race at altitude And every year we get more competitors smashing every event on the mountain.

2017, you conquered 12km obstacle race. 1km uphill sprint & our first team obstacle race.

2018, the 12 became 15km’s. The uphill sprint had obstacles added to it. The team race was extreme & tested speed, hills & obstacle. We added the 1km obstacle sprint time trial.

2020, we are going to try find your limit. 21km obstacle race. There will be more obstacles in the uphill sprint. The team race is going to push all team members to work together. The sprint time trial is going to look easy till you try it. We are super excited to be adding another event with the 4hr night enduro.

2021 Race Formats

  • 1 km Uphill Sprint
  • 21km / 10km Obstacle Race
  • Mixed Team Relay
  • 1 km Obstacle Sprint
  • 4hr night time enduro

by Marco Caromba